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  • Deafblind Awareness Week: DBA Story: Jael McCoskey

    Meet Jael McCoskey, a Deafblind person originally from the United States. Jael is an emerging leader in the Deafblind Community in Australia. Jael is the project officer for the How to Be Seen and Heard program for Deafblind Australia. Here is Jael’s story. When I was first invited to work

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  • Deafblind Awareness Week: DBA Story: Annmaree Watharow

    Here is a story on Annmaree Watharow, a Deafblind Australian, a Board member of Deafblind Australia and an academic researcher.Annmaree had dedicated her life to support her peers who are Deafblind, particularly the ageing population that develop the onset of dual sensory loss. Meet Annmaree Watharow: Annmaree Watharow has Usher syndrome

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  • Deafblind Awareness Week: DBA Story: Steve Hardy

    Steve is from the Sunny Coast, Queensland and is an avid supporter in bringing the best of not only himself, as a Deafblind person, but to many of this peers he has supported for nearly 2 decades: Meet Steve Hardy: ‘I am Deafblind and have been fortunate to have participated

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  • NDIS building in Australia

    Welcome WA to the National Disability Insurance Scheme

    The Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO) welcomes the joint announcement from the Prime Minister, Minister Porter and Assistant Minister Prentice that Western Australia is joining the nationally-delivered National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). “We are excited by this announcement and congratulate the new Western Australian Government and the Federal Government

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  • Blind man waiting for public transport

    Queensland Rail & Transport disregards human rights

    AFDO welcomes the Australian Human Rights Commission preliminary decision not to grant an exemption under the Federal Disability Discrimination Act to Queensland Rail.  The joint application was lodged by Queensland Rail and Queensland Transport and Main Roads (TMR) for an exemption in relation to the purchase of up to 75

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  • People's fists in the air demanding action

    Urgent action needed on abuse of people with disability

    The Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO) commends Human Rights Watch for the comprehensive and harrowing report released yesterday into the abuse and neglect of people with disability in Australia’s prisons.  AFDO notes the particular focus of the report on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders with disability.  We urge all levels of

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