Become a member

We warmly invite anyone impacted by hearing loss and vision impairment, including people with dual sensory loss and people who identify as Deafblind, along with their families and support networks and professionals working in this space to join our community.

When you become a member of Deafblind Australia, you:

  • Learn what is going on in the Deafblind Community around Australia
  • Connect with Deafblind people or people with vision and hearing loss
  • Share and exchange knowledge with Deafblind people, professionals and service providers to shape supports
  • Become part of the consultation process to assist Deafblind Australia to develop more systemic models that empower Deafblind people in all areas of their life.

Level Price  
People with deafblindness


Family and support people

$20.00 per year.

Professionals involved in the field

$50.00 per year.

Organisations with annual income of less than $50,000

$150.00 per year.

Organisations with annual income of more than $50,000

$200.00 per year.

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